Contact Me

Have a question or comment?

I’m always looking to connect. Feel free to get in touch, I’d love hearing from you.

Email: paulalfrederick (at) g m a i l (dot) c o m
Twitter: @PawluhDesign

(But, please, if you are selling products or services, know that I respond only if I have a need. Thanks for understanding.)


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Hundreds of hours can go into creating just the right visual solution, from researching competitors to delivering final, finished artworks. It‘s an interesting, enlightening process for everyone. Below is a sampling of identities I’ve created to successfully brand (or rebrand) businesses. They were created for a variety of markets: consumer, industrial, OEMs, etc., and for large corporations, small businesses, & non-profits. Click an image to view it larger.

Keywords: logo designs, logo designer, branding, branding design, logo illustrations, graphic designer, graphic design, branding design, identity design, corporate design, brand development, logo, wordmark, logotype, brand identity, brand, typographic marks, distinct visual look, design treatment