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Pawluh News | Periodic updates from Pawluh Design. Want to know anything on graphic design or illustration topics? Use the contact form to let me know (please be specific) and I’ll blog it.

Interview by BostonVoyager Magazine

Paula Frederick

I was recently interviewed by BostonVoyager Magazine, a platform fostering collaboration for small businesses, independent artists and entrepreneurs, local institutions, and those who make the Boston area interesting. We talk about how I got into graphic design, working at a natural healthcare company, goals, success, and, mainly, happiness. 

Read the interview here.


Elephant Style, The Von Glitshcka Way

Paula Frederick

There's always some new illustration style to get excited about. New to me anyway. This is my first try at the tribal style I discovered in the illustration courses of Von Glitshcka, an illustrator-designer in the Pacific Northwest. It took me a couple hours longer than estimated (what else is new?) but it was a fun, surprising process. You draw one-half of the picture (in this case, the right side of the elephant) then make the mirror image by flipping it in Adobe Illustrator. Really cool what you see for the first time!


Learn more about Von at He's been illustrating really nice work for Adobe and paper makers for eons. If you have or LinkedIn, look for the course called Drawing Vector Graphics: Tribal Illustration.

Portrait: Bernie Sanders & Birdy

Paula Frederick

Did you hear about this? While giving a speech, a little bird alit on Bernie's podium. It stayed there quite a while. If you're one of those people who looks for signs from the universe... boy that's it.

To see larger, click the image.

Medium – Marker on a sturdy white Strathmore Bristol Vellum paper; cleaned up in Adobe Photoshop; converted to vector format in Adobe Illustrator and grays added.

Politician Bernie Sanders & Birdy

Portrait: Ted Cruz

Paula Frederick

Sure he dropped out of the U.S. Presidential race, but I'd already drawn him.

To see larger, click the image.

Medium – Marker on a sturdy white Strathmore Bristol Vellum paper; cleaned up in Adobe Photoshop; converted to vector format in Adobe Illustrator and grays added.

Ted Cruz, Republican Senator

Portrait: The Donald Trump

Paula Frederick

Donald Trump

I challenge you to find anyone more fun to draw than The Donald.

To see him larger as he would want, click the image.

Medium – Marker on a sturdy white Strathmore Bristol Vellum paper; cleaned up in Adobe Photoshop; converted to vector format in Adobe Illustrator and grays added.

Portrait: Politician Hillary Clinton

Paula Frederick

I added a new famous-person portrait to I felt like drawing a woman, so. Turned out it was Hillary Rodham Clinton. I didn't notice before what nice hair she had. Hmm, you think you don't know someone....

To see it larger, click the image.

Medium – Marker on a sturdy white Strathmore Bristol Vellum paper; cleaned up in Adobe Photoshop; converted to vector format in Adobe Illustrator and grays added.

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Portrait: Comedian Eugene Mirman

Paula Frederick

A new famous-person portrait has been added to the illustration section of The super hilarious Eugene Mirman, founder of the annual Eugene Mirman Comedy Festival and star of the animated series Bob’s Burgers.

I tried to capture his figure-8 head. And his eyes. Those eyes. It’s not a great likeness but it sure was fun to draw. Click it to biggerify. Next time he’s in town, get tickets and see for yourself.

Medium – Marker on a sturdy white Strathmore Bristol Vellum paper; lightly cleaned up in Adobe Photoshop; converted to vector format in Adobe Illustrator and grays added.


Eugene Mirman, comedian & such

Designers & Illustrators May Want To Marry Blue Q

Paula Frederick

Image from

Image from

As a designer or illustrator, a big part of your inspiration comes from the things you surround yourself with and admire every day. The bits which continue to surprise and delight you over and over despite looking at them every damn day?, well, they’re extra special.

Blue Q does it for me. The company takes amazing fun illustrations and prints them onto bags and lamps or knits them into socks.

“Joy-bringing products since 1988,” they say. Yup. Their bags are like abracadabra, baby. I regularly catch strangers seeing my Blue Q paraphernalia and smiling.

I have read that Blue Q employs a sizable disabled workforce, too. How great is that!

{I don’t get anything for this, this isn’t sponsored. Just spreading the word on great design you can use daily and get compliments from total strangers on.}

Real World Data For Graphic Designers... Free From Monotype

Paula Frederick

I attended my first webinar by the type foundry Monotype. The subject nabbed me: Designing for Split-Second Clarity: “how people read, the design and environmental factors that affect their ability to accurately read text in quick-glance scenarios, what we’ve been learning through our research with MIT’s AgeLab, and how these insights could change how designers use fonts.” What couldn’t I learn? It’s an evergreen topic. The whole of graphic design is about clarity: effectively organizing information, communicating visually, supporting the larger message, all that. Everything I learn improves my skills and makes it easier on viewers, my clients, and myself. And I did. I learned a lot.

I’m too busy putting it to good use to write up a summary of the data presented by Monotype’s UK legibility expert Dr. Nadine Chahine. But do check out their webinars for yourself. Transcripts are available at (At the time of this writing Split-Second Clarity isn’t up. But will be.) If you follow @Monotype on Twitter they’ll notify you in time to sign up for upcoming live webinars, which, have I mentioned, are free.

Happy designing!

Best Work-Related Compliment Ever Received (So Far)

Paula Frederick

Jan Pienkowski is being shown around the office. (Jan creates amazing pop-up books that are best sellers.) He sees a lifesize wire and rubberband sculpture on my desk and says, “I like that. Is at a cat? Did you make that?” To which I reply, get this, “Yes. You’re the first person to know what it is!” He says, “Of course it’s a cat. It has”—and here we say it at the exact same time—“a rubber band for a spine.”

Paula Frederick,

“Design Funny” Book Includes Warren Buffet Illustration By Paula Frederick

Paula Frederick

The portrait illustration of Warren Buffet by Paula Frederick ( is included in Heather Bradley’s book, Design Funny: A Graphic Designer’s Guide to Humor, published by HOW Design Books. It’s an entertaining yet practical guide to the lighter side of the design profession and includes inspiration, advice and fun visuals from comedy juggernauts The Onion, Comedy Central, Funny Or Die, MAD magazine, JibJab, Cheezburger, and dozens of top creative agencies, talented freelance designers and professional comedians.

Author Heather Bradley is a designer, illustrator, writer and educator. She is the former Creative Director of The Cheezburger Network. Her work has appeared on Funny Or Die, Comedy Central Mobile and Memebase, as well as publications commissioned by Penguin and Primedia.

Design Funny: A Graphic Designer’s Guide to Humor
Retail price: $27.99, 224 pages, 8" x 8", paperback
By Heather Bradley ( and
Sold on,, and bookstores nationwide.